Write the Bill

In NY Governor Andrew Cuomo’s press briefing on June 14th he talked about the NYS Police Reform and Reinvention Collaborative and how NY state is taking action to redesign the police force. If you have not seen it yet, I recommend watching this clip.

The framework of redesigning the NYS Police department made me wonder how I can apply this on a personal and familial level, as well as in the communities that I’m a part of. How can I reinvent and redesign things in my life that are no longer working for me and/or my community? 


This is the phase where you identify what is no longer working for you.  What complaints, however big or small, do you have in your life? Where do you want to see change, whether for yourself individually or in the industries and communities that you’re a part of?


Now that you know what you DON’T want, ask yourself, what you DO want. What is the change you DO wish to see? Personally and/or for your community. Get really specific. Thrash on different ideas and collaborate with others in your family and communities. Don’t be afraid to reach out to people who can help you!

Once you’ve established what you want, WRITE THE BILL. Put it in writing and make it a “LAW” for yourself.  For example, if you want to break the habit of hitting the snooze button every morning, you would write, “I will put my alarm clock on the other side of the room so that I have to get out of bed to turn it off”. For the bigger issues, like transforming an entire industry, start small. Get together with a small group of leaders in YOUR community and have a conversation about the changes you would like to see and then strategize and put into writing how you can make them happen. 


Effectuate it. Put it into action. Follow the LAW that you wrote for yourself just as you follow the laws society has written for you. When you break it down like this, small changes can be tackled more easily and bigger changes start to feel less overwhelming and more attainable. 


Individual by individual and community by community, we can create international change. It starts with us. 

Tick tick tick tick tick. What are you waiting for? Our world needs you. 

ANNNNND….Action: Identify one place in your life where you would like to see a change. Write the bill and see the changes through. 


Proving vs. Sharing


Do something.