Proving vs. Sharing

Art /ärt/ noun: the expression or application of human creative skill and imagination.


Somewhere along the line as theatre artists, we began moving further away from sharing our expressions and closer towards proving ourselves.

We were taught that, if we really wanted to make it, we had to prove it: We chose training every day over family events and friends’ weddings to prove that we were serious enough, we went to competitions to win awards to prove that we were good enough, and after successfully booking jobs were told that we had to consistently prove our worthiness, as there were thousands of “hungry” artists waiting to fill our spot. Though the competitive nature of our industry is impossible to deny, I think that this approach to our field takes us further and further away from our artistry, our “human creative skill and imagination.”

What if we stopped trying to prove ourselves, and started sharing instead? 

In this time, when our artform is relying heavily on social media and other digital platforms,  I encourage you to share rather than prove. When going to post something, ask yourself: “Am I posting this to share? Or am I posting this to prove something?” 

There is freedom and impact in sharing. Proving is limiting and out of your control. Sharing is the generous option. 

Choose to be generous. 


Annnnd…..ACTION: Sing a song because it’s meaningful to you. Speak your thoughts on a topic because it might inspire someone else to share theirs, as well. Put on your favorite song and go IG Live while channeling Robyn Hurder


It's ok to say you want a role.


Write the Bill