Do something.

I don’t know about ya’ll,  but I am struggling these days. The content overwhelm is REAL. There is so much to watch, so many live classes to take, digital workouts, books you “finally have the time to read”, recipes to finally try….yet I find myself spending so much time staring mindlessly at my phone or getting sucked into watching the endless news about how things are getting worse. 


Then I find myself feeling exhausted, overwhelmed, lazy, angry at myself because I feel lazy, which makes me more exhausted and keeps me mindlessly scrolling and feeling like a piece of literal shit. 

When I’m feeling this way, the thing that always makes me feel better, is to just decide to put my damn phone down,  get up and DO something..literally anything. It doesn’t have to be something big. You don’t have to run a marathon, or write the next King Lear, or invent the vaccine to COVID (unless you can...then you should probably do that). Just get up and do a little something. 

It could be a 5 min stretch, 5 pushups, a couple lip trills,  trying out a new recipe, going for a walk or a run outside (with a mask on, of course), singing a song just because you love to sing it, or putting on your favorite song and having a dance party in your living room. 


I can promise this will almost always make you feel better and shake you out of the funk. It may even inspire or energize you to do another little something. And at the end of the day, a lot of little somethings add up to being quite a lot. 

Inaction breeds doubt and fear. Action breeds confidence and courage. If you want to conquer fear, do not sit home and think about it, Go out and get busy. (except maybe do it staying at home…)
— Dale Carnegie

Annnnd…ACTION: Set a timer for 10 mins, put your phone down, and do a little something. See how it makes you feel.


Write the Bill


The Gift of Time.